Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Statins, you have met the enemy and his name is veggies!

My main reason for trying the nutritarian way of eating is to lower my cholesterol levels enough to lower my heart disease risk and discontinue the statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) I currently take.

"Most people are not aware that scientific studies show that there is only one dietary profile that has ever been shown to lower cholesterol as powerfully as cholesterol lowering drugs; and that is my Eat To Live nutritional program, which gets the majority of it’s calories from high nutrient foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans and nuts and seeds. It is impossible to reduce cholesterol levels to the no risk point with a conventional diet....The known side effects for various statins (the most popular and effective medications to lower cholesterol) include hepatitis, jaundice, gastrointestinal upsets, muscle problems and a variety of blood complications such as reduced platelet levels and anemia." -Dr. Joel Fuhrman

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